To quote Einstein on vegetarian diet,
“Nothing will benefit human health and increase chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet.”
Facts have been laid: Vegetarian food is always conducive to human health. However, if you're still unsure about why you want to go vegetarian, or if you're a vegetarian who would like to advocate vegetarianism, here are eight more reasons to support your decision and promote your stand.
Hello?! Animals have feelings, too. Be compassionate!
According to studies, eating animal flesh develops in man animal-like qualities. This is because humans will somehow get the same feeling of stressfulness and anxiety as animals feel before they are chopped and killed for food. Also, animals in slaughterhouses nowadays are overfed and artificially fattened for larger profits. Sometimes, they are even drugged and these chemicals might contribute harm and damage to the human body internally.
Vegetarianism is an act of benevolence toward these poor animals. What's more, you, me and all humans created in the universe by nature are compassionate. All known religions insist the quality of compassion. As human beings are the most superior creation on this planet, we are expected to be compassionate with other creatures. By being a vegetarian, you will possess and embrace the virtues of compassion, including humility, nobility and magnanimity more.
Hello?! Animals have feelings, too. Be compassionate!
According to studies, eating animal flesh develops in man animal-like qualities. This is because humans will somehow get the same feeling of stressfulness and anxiety as animals feel before they are chopped and killed for food. Also, animals in slaughterhouses nowadays are overfed and artificially fattened for larger profits. Sometimes, they are even drugged and these chemicals might contribute harm and damage to the human body internally.
Vegetarianism is an act of benevolence toward these poor animals. What's more, you, me and all humans created in the universe by nature are compassionate. All known religions insist the quality of compassion. As human beings are the most superior creation on this planet, we are expected to be compassionate with other creatures. By being a vegetarian, you will possess and embrace the virtues of compassion, including humility, nobility and magnanimity more.
The human physiology is vegetarian by design!
Related to physiology, ancient Indian scripture Taitriya Upanishad once stated that man’s food should be that which grows on the earth. Humans and animals have to depend on the plant kingdom for food. Indian ancient medical systems have proven that meat gets decomposed soon and is dangerous for our health. Adding to the evidence are reports generated from studies saying that vegetarians live about seven years longer and overall live a healthier life.
As if these reports are not enough, a British team had even conducted a test with over six thousand vegetarian participants and five thousand non-vegetarian volunteers for 12 years. They found that vegetarians were 40 percent less likely to die from cancer during that time and 20 percent less likely to die from other diseases.
Less Susceptibility to Health Disease
Researches point out that the average American male eating a meat-based diet has a 50 percent chance of dying from heart disease. This risk drops to 15 percent if he cuts out meat. In essence, vegetarian diets have lower risks of diseases; non-vegetarian food causes more diseases as they carry more bacteria.
Plant-based diets containing whole grains, fruits and vegetables are not only low in saturated cholesterol. Maintaining the integrity of the brain's function, they are also high in fiber, minerals and vitamins.
Less Intake of Saturated Fat
The problem of obesity is caused mainly by meat consumption. This is because animal fats putrefy easily and the essential fatty acids undergo many changes that are harmful to health. They contain more dangerous saturated fats that result to indigestion. If you have lots of saturated fats already in your system plus cholesterol blocking your arteries, expect that heart diseases and stroke will visit you soon.
Less Intake of Saturated Fat
The problem of obesity is caused mainly by meat consumption. This is because animal fats putrefy easily and the essential fatty acids undergo many changes that are harmful to health. They contain more dangerous saturated fats that result to indigestion. If you have lots of saturated fats already in your system plus cholesterol blocking your arteries, expect that heart diseases and stroke will visit you soon.
Don't Forget to Remember...
Eating meat affects your memory in a negative way. American Heart Association has observed that meat consumption not only raises levels of cholesterol but also of amino acid called homocysteine, which is widely seen now as a risk marker for heart disease and Alzheimer’s disease (memory loss).
Less Expenses = More Savings
Living the vegetarian diet can help you save money in two ways. One is that you'll get to spend less money in buying vegetables because they are way cheaper than meat. Another is that you'll spend less in buying medicine in trying to maintenance a healthy body system. So why not go natural and consume fruits and vegetables with less calories and fats? Being vegetarian is a wise decision as it's more economic and practical, especially during these trying times.

Foster Good Nutrition
I bet from the time you were a child until now, you often hear that "Vegetables supply more nutrition and better health. They are conducive for longevity, strength and purity of mind and body." These statements have become clichés...that should be reminded still every so often.
Eating vegetables should be a way of life for it necessarily means consuming more fiber. Fiber in meat is very low. When you have fiber in your body, waste will be pushed out faster which leads to good regulation of digestion. Hence people who eat a high-fiber diet had a 42 percent lower risk of diverticulitis, according to studies of Harvard and Brigham Women’s Hospital. In line with this, people who eat lower on the food chain tend to have fewer incidences of constipation, hemorrhoids and spastic colon.
Be a vegetarian and help save the world!
Simply by consuming vegetarian food, you can save the earth from global warming. Rearing livestock for food generates more greenhouse gases than all the fuel guzzling cars and trucks in the world put together! The UNFAO (United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization) estimates that direct emissions from meat production account for 18 percent of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions, one of the main reasons for global warming.
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