Monday, September 24, 2012

5 Types of Vegetarian You Can Be

You are given with a lot of choices every day from which you make decisions, yes? In diet, you may choose to eat all meat, dairy products, seafood, grains, nuts, seeds, fruits and vegetables. When you come to a point in your life when you firmly decide that you want to be a vegetarian, you still are faced with options. Will you be a vegan who eats strictly all veggies without dairy food products, seafood and meat? Or will you be one of the types of vegetarians who will not limit the intake of other food (but not meat) other than vegetables?

The Big Five

1. The Vegetarian Vegan

If you ever decide to be a vegan, be advised that you can eat only vegetables and vegetable materials such as peanuts and seeds. You cannot wear animal-made products like leather and wool. You cannot even use products with animal content or those which have been tested on animals. Pretty solid, right? Anyway, people will admire you for making a difference. Stay cool.

2. The Lacto

Lacto vegetarians set themselves apart by eating only vegetables and milk including cheese, butter and yoghurt. So you can still enjoy eating lots of lovely desserts and sweet stuff made of milky ingredients.
3. The Lacto - Ovo

Going down one level, you can be a lacto-ovo vegetarian who adds up egg into your diet aside from milk products. Still, egg has not formed into a chicken or duck therefore life is not there yet. Eggs are a good source of protein for vegetarians and there are many food recipes which require egg to taste. So if you want to be a vegetarian but can't let go on eating eggs, don't worry. You can fall into this category!

4. The Pesco

Pesco vegetarians are vegetarians who eat fish as well. Many restaurants offer fish and seafood so give yourself a personal serving and still consider being a vegetarian proudly.

5. The Vegetarian Fluctarian

The lowest type of vegetarian is the fluctarian. This means that you can eat white meat and other poultry but keep abstinence from eating red meat. By eating lean chicken, chicken soup or stock and whim meat, you will have the protein compound that vegans won't. So if you are concerned with the lack of specific nutrients that can't be found in a vegetarian diet, do not worry.

The Vegetarian

Vegetarianism and veganism are rapidly becoming more popular choices of food for many people today. Regardless of the type of vegetarian you choose to be, vegan or fluctarian, you can still call yourself a vegetarian and enjoys its advantages. Not only will you help your environment and animals, you also improve your health by having healthy cholesterol levels, lower blood pressure, lower blood sugar, less of a chance of obesity, and less chance of getting food-born diseases.

Planning for a balanced vegetarian diet may take you a while but it is not impossible or even difficult. The benefits for health and energy levels that you will enjoy more than compensate for the trouble you had to go to planning your menu.

This post was written by:

Rochkirstin Santos is an IT professional and SEO writer, a vegetarian for life.

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1 comment:

  1. The Many Types of Vegetarian Diets. ... The term “flexitarian” was coined to describe semi-vegetarians or those who eat a mostly vegetarian diet but occasionally eat meat. ... Ovo-vegetarian refers to people who do not eat meat or dairy products but do eat eggs.
    Have a look at this videos they are funny to watch Types of vegetarian .
